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Most Popular Programming Languages of 2014


Every year we release data on the “Most Popular Programming Languages” based on thousands of data points we’ve collected by processing over 100,000+ coding tests and challenges by over 2,000+ employers.

This gives us a pretty good idea on what the trends  are for the upcoming year in terms of what companies are looking for.  It’s data we hope will be especially helpful for new computer sciences graduates or coders looking to stay ahead of the curve. 

For the third year in a row, Python retains it’s #1 dominance followed by Java, C++, and Javascript.

This year’s most noticeable changes were a 300% increase in Objective-C submissions, a 100% surge in C#, as well as a 33% increase in Javascript submissions while PHP lost -55%, Perl dropped -16%, and Java shrank -14%. 

Ref: blog.codeeval.com

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